
Workforce Training Opportunities & Resources

Menomonee Valley Partners and the Menomonee Valley Business Improvement District (BID) #26 host a wide variety of workforce training programs to complement businesses’ internal programs. From management to diversity to entry-level upskilling, we provide opportunities that complement hiring, help entry-level employees advance to the next level, and ultimately enhance your business. We provide assistance to individual Valley businesses and are responsive to your individual strategic goals.

For personalized assistance to help with your specific business needs or to get involved in any of the following programming, contact Catrina at or 414-326-5077.

Workforce Training Opportunities

Upskill Your Current Workforce

MVP and MATC are partnering to offer a variety of training opportunities throughout the 2022-2023 year. Classes begin at the start of each semester. Opportunities are sent to Valley businesses through email. Contact if you’d like to receive these messages.

Professional Circles

“Circles,” comprised of peers in similar careers, meet to discuss topics that support their professional goals. Some even create their own initiatives and programs to implement throughout the Valley or with students from local schools. We aim to meet monthly to bounce ideas around for personal and professional growth, share helpful tips and technical advice, discuss new trends and best practices, and foster partnership with other professionals in the district.

Circles include: IT, Facilities, Marketing, Sales, Public Safety, and Workforce/HR.

Employees of the Valley gather around a U shaped table for a training

Racial Equity Resources

These resources were recommended by other Valley businesses who have used these to provide guidance to assess their workplace policies and culture and improve racial equity in their workplace to create a positive workplace, increase retention, and attract motivated individuals to join your team.

Youth Mentoring & Career Discovery

career discovery initiative

The Career Discovery Initiative connects Valley businesses to students as they are charting their career paths. You can impact the lives of youth by volunteering in the diverse array of career day programs: Manufacturing Career Days, Engineering Career Days, Young Women in STEM, Young Women in Manufacturing, Construction and Trades Tours, and Valley Lunch & Learns. 

Contact Catrina if you would like to get involved!

Student at young women in real estate program, talking to a female Valley employee

Young Women in Manufacturing & Young Women in STEM

The Young Women programs expose high school girls to Valley careers and mentors with the goal to replace fear and uncertainty of manufacturing and engineering careers with the confidence and guidance to break down barriers and pursue big dreams. Students meet with women working in the Valley in traditionally male-dominated careers (chemists, plumbers, industrial designers, engineers, project managers, and more) to learn about their career journeys and ask for advice from their newfound mentors.

If you are a woman working in the Valley and want to impact the next generation of women in manufacturing or STEM careers, contact Catrina. We need women mentors year round!

Valley STEM Internship

The Valley STEM Internship is a unique seven-week, paid internship where high school students rotate between engineering firms, architectural firms, and manufacturing companies in the Menomonee River Valley.

Firm partnerships are solidified in April, and the program runs from June to August. This is an incredible opportunity to influence the next generation of STEM students and show them what a local career really looks like. If you want to create a positive impact on our local youth, contact Catrina to get your worksite involved.

I never would have known that these careers could be found in the manufacturing industry!
— Participant in Young Women in Manufacturing

Sign up for Valley Business Updates

If you are a Valley employee, sign up for district news and your exclusive invitation to MVBA meetings. Your membership is complimentary if you own a business or property, or work in the Valley.