Why Support Menomonee Valley Partners?

Once Wisconsin’s most visible eyesore with hundreds of acres of vacant buildings and abandoned land, the Valley has been transformed, becoming a national model in economic development and environmental sustainability.

Menomonee Valley Partners, Inc. (MVP) is a Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Since it was founded in 1999, MVP has served as the lead agency in the redevelopment of Milwaukee’s Menomonee River Valley.

MVP plays a key role in the public-private collaboration to redevelop a revitalized and sustainable Menomonee River Valley for the benefit of the entire community. The organization serves as a convener and coordinator by engaging stakeholders, articulating a vision, leveraging funding, and aligning partners to accomplish shared goals.


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Menomonee Valley Partners
231 W Michigan St, P421
Milwaukee, WI 53203


See the valley’s progress


your contribution supports:

MVP’s mission is to revitalize and sustain the Menomonee River Valley as a thriving urban district that advances economical, ecological, and social equity for the benefit of the greater Milwaukee community.

the three pillars of work that you make possible

caleffi employee scanning a box in a warehouse

Businesses & Jobs

youth picking up trash along the menomonee riverbank

Nature & Community

high school youth touring a valley company

Youth & Career Paths - read more here

the vision for the valley

MVP envisions a thriving Valley with a well-balanced mix of industrial, recreational, and entertainment uses that strengthen Milwaukee:

  • Economically, with strong companies and jobs near worker's homes;

  • Ecologically, with sustainable development and environmental stewardship;

  • Geographically, with renewed ties to surrounding neighborhoods; and

  • Equitably, with opportunities for all.

ongoing projects & initiatives

Concept rendering from design charette

From designing the Menomonee Riverwalk to planning 40 acres of redevelopment to introducing youth to the diverse array of Valley career opportunities, MVP and our partners are dedicated to continuing the success of the Valley’s revitalization.

valley achievements

Once Wisconsin's most visible eyesore, the Valley has been transformed, becoming a national model in economic development and environmental sustainability. Since 1999:

  • 300 acres of brownfields have been developed,

  • More than 70 companies have opened in the Menomonee River Valley,

  • 5,200+ family-supporting jobs have been created,

  • 1,000,000+ square feet of green buildings have been constructed, and

  • 60+ acres of new trails and park space have been installed, with 45 acres of native plants which have led to improved wildlife habitat and water quality.


See how far we’ve come together in MVP’s annual report archives - 2002-Present